Types of Timeshare Gifts

To entice you to go to a timeshare presentation or tour, most developers will offer some kind of incentive or free gift. These gifts can be all sorts of things, from discounted tickets, money, vouchers, wine and so on. While it is common to receive some kind of freebie, you should beware of companies that offer over the top gifts as you may find you will be paying the price of the privilege of receiving them in some way!

Signs of a Scam

There is a common saying in the industry that you can smell a timeshare scam a mile away by the gift. Generally, the most popular and genuine timeshare developers are pretty secure about the product they are selling and therefore the gift reflects this position. They do not need to “bribe” people to visit the property and you will find that the chance to visit the resort and enjoy a free breakfast is often enough to entice most people to some of the best timeshare resorts.

If you are asked to pay something towards receiving your gift, such as taxes, delivery or a permit, then you should think very carefully about accepting the gift and certainly avoid buying the timeshare property.

Genuine Timeshare Incentives

A reputable timeshare developer selling a great property will usually be pretty conservative about lavishing gifts on its visitor, secure in the knowledge that simply visiting the resort will be a pleasurable experience. Usually the gifts offered are more realistic and less likely to be used to make you feel guilty about not buying a timeshare unit. Common incentives are discounted tickets for local activities, car hire, restaurant vouchers or a free breakfast at the resort. Nowadays, timeshare companies are less likely to offer cash incentives, although some some still do, but that is usually at the discretion of the timeshare promoter or OPC.


One response to “Types of Timeshare Gifts”

  1. Mary Thomas Avatar
    Mary Thomas

    Most people would not want to attend a timeshare presentations on their vacations. Resorts know this and give away incentives to tourists to attract them to their sales floors. some of the gifts they give away are:

    Free breakfast
    Tours around the city
    Fishing trips
    Flying certificate
    3 Nights, 4 Days stays
    Discounts during the stay if client is staying at the resort.

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