Villa del Palmar timeshare resorts have long been trendsetters when it comes to flexible vacation club membership. Owned and operated by the Villa Group, which is amongst the best timeshare providers and vacation clubs in Mexico, their utilisation of a points system makes timeshare easy to tailor to individual needs. The ability to borrow and bank points when managing your Villa del Palmar timeshare membership is something that not all vacation club members have. Villa del Palmar timeshare is all about customer satisfaction, which includes flexibility and quality.
Banking Villa del Palmar timeshare points
If you are a full member with a Villa del Palmar timeshare you can bank up to 100% of your points allocation for up to five consecutive years if you need or wish to, and if you’re a biennial member you can bank the current period of usages points to use during the next period of use. The banked points of full members have a lifespan of five years and can be used for all the same things as allocated points. You can use them to book accommodations on a first come, first served basis, and even for services and meal plans if you wish to!
If you are behind on maintenance fees, however, you may be denied the right to bank your Villa del Palmar timeshare points, and even if you are up to date you will still need to bank them before the cut-off date each year to avoid late fees.
Borrowing Villa del Palmar timeshare points
If a special occasion sneaks up on you, you have the option of borrowing some points in order to upgrade any aspect of your vacation, including how long you stay, the kind of unit your reserve and how many times you visit your Villa del Palmar timeshare . Full members can borrow from up to five years in the future, and use borrowed points to book up to two years in advance, whereas biennial members can borrow from only the next period of usage. Once again the right to borrow points is subject to your keeping up with maintenance fees etc, but this is not generally an issue for most.
Beware that you cannot use Villa del Palmar timeshare points that have either been banked or borrowed for holiday weeks (Easter (x2 weeks), Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year and President’s Week).
Read more about Villa del Palmar Timeshare here.
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